County Unveils New Dashboard of COVID-19 Info - PCR Testing Options Researched and Expanded


CONTACT: Susan Lilly, Public Information Officer, San Miguel County



(April 22, 2020) -- San Miguel County, CO – County Public Health, working with county GIS (Geographic Information Systems), unveiled a new COVID-19 “dashboard” Wednesday, a visual display of relevant county and regional data and trends.

“We realized that our community could benefit from having access to user-friendly visuals of different data points to help stay informed,” Grace Franklin, County Public Health Director said.

The dashboard includes the total number of county COVID-19 cases and results from two types of PCR tests.…

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In mid-March it was announced that every citizen of San Miguel County, about 8,200 residents, would receive free Covid 19 antibody testing provided by United Biomedical. 

Results from these tests have been returning to the county through the last several weeks. As of April 21, 2020, this is our latest update:

San Miguel County Public Health received an additional 2,174 results from UBI from the first-round blood antibody testing: 9 positive, 29 borderline, and 2,136 negative.

Those who tested positive or borderline are being called by Public Health; those who tested negative will receive an email notification or phone call. There are 695 pending results.

Note: lab tests were not processed in the order in which they were done.

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