Telluride 2015 3rd Quarter Market Report
Posted by Steve Cieciuch (Chet-chu) on
San Miguel County Real Estate transaction volume remains strong as the third quarter finished up 3% compared to third quarter 2014. Over all dollar volume is down 24%, however, this is primarily attributable to a $40M sale that occurred in August of 2014 for the Hotel Madeline. Sans this sale, 2015 is right on track to match or exceed 2014, which was the biggest year in terms of dollar volume and transaction volume since the downturn in 2008.
Total dollar volume through September 30th in 2015 was $346.9M compared to $383.9M in 2014, although September turned out to be the second biggest September in the last 6 years with $53.1M in recorded sales.
I anticipated that Mountain Village would see a surge of activity based on evidence of…
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